“Does my blog business need an app?”
Have you ever asked yourself that question?
Bloggers are among today’s most powerful marketers.
As a Blogger, you are an active leader in your respective niche. You’re always creating ways to leverage your following that continues to help build your massive brand.
Bloggers form partnerships, advertise for companies, and ultimately monetize their popularity on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and more.
And though your self-made social brands are successful on several social media websites, you may be unknowingly introducing brand-crushing danger to the empire you’ve worked so hard to build.

Dangers of Social Media Influencing
Total platform dependency.
Because even if you’ve done well enough to make it as a Blogger, you are still at the mercy of whatever social media network you use.
Vine failed.
Myspace failed.
Google Plus is decaying.
…and other websites are gradually losing their value.
If the platform you use starts to fade, where do you and your followers go? Can you afford not to have a backup plan?

7 Reasons Bloggers Need an App
Here’s how you can stay both independent and relevant with an app made just for Bloggers. And it all starts with converting your blog to an app.
1 – Control Your Own Platform
In January 2018, YouTube announced a few new changes to its YouTube Partner program.
Previously, anyone could join and monetize their channels so long as they had original content and met a few other requirements.
With the new updates, YouTube now requires users to meet stricter standards to qualify, which now also affects existing partners.
This means even longstanding users of the platform will lose status and income if they’ve suffered a dip in subscribers or failed to meet other criteria.
By turning your Word Press website into an app, you’re creating your own backup plan that’s more intuitive and engaging than a website.
The Blog to App Platform puts these niche leaders in the driver’s seat of their own brands. And for many Instagram users, this is a welcomed breath of fresh air.
Given the platform’s reputation for spontaneously deleting accounts with hundreds of thousands, if not millions of followers, a custom app for Bloggers might just be the solution they need.
2 – Sell Your Products and Services on A Mobile Platform
In addition to running ads or promoting products, many Bloggers have found ways to branch out into product and service sales as well.
Bloggers who have already made the switch to The Blogger Platform now find that they have an open door to more targeted sales.

Think about it this way:
- Your followers trust your opinion for products and services they are already interested in.
- On a mobile app, they’re not only the first to see the new releases they’ve asked for
- Your followers are most likely to buy because they trust you to continue to listen to their needs and provide the quality product or service offerings consistent with your brand
Delivering consistent quality is key here.
But there’s no better way to do that than with an affordable app made just for your brand.
3 – Distinguish Your Voice as A Blogger
What sets you apart from every other social media user?
Your follower count?
Or, do you (hopefully) have something more meaningful?

With any luck, the sake of your brand isn’t completely reliant on how many people have clicked the “follow” or “subscribe” buttons on your profiles.
Because if so, there isn’t much separating you from the next Blogger with similar stats on the same platforms.
With your own mobile app, you can distinguish your brand from the many other competing Bloggers that occupy the same space.
Converting your website into an app allows you to create your own lane and more importantly, solidify your brand in the face of growing competition.
4 – Better Engagement with Your Community
When you need to share a special or urgent update, how do you do it?
Do you make a general post for all to see?
Or do you call or text your selected few to let them know the news?

The Blog to App Platform for Bloggers works like the latter. It allows you to communicate directly to users who truly want to hear about your important updates.
More importantly, it allows you to spend the most time and resources on those who care the most about your brand.
Your app users are the members of your audience who want to stay connected, and can now do so with a direct line to you and your company.
And as an experienced Blogger, you likely know just how important engagement is to your fans, sponsors, and business model.
With the Blogger Platform, you can increase engagement all by simplifying your life. Another hidden bonus to being a Blogger, since there are few other career paths that allow this level of flexibility.
5 – Grow Your Brand Sustainably
Many Bloggers make the mistake of growing their following entirely on a single social media platform.
While there’s nothing wrong with gaining a few more Instagram or Twitter followers, there is an issue with growing an audience entirely on “rented land.”

Here’s the typical workflow for a Blogger:
- Promote on social media
- Negotiate over Skype or the phone
- Send and sign agreements via email
- Research and curate content for audience and/or sponsor
- Promote curated content on all social media platforms and website
- Engage with the audience
- Manage return on promotion and payments
- Etc.
And, of course, repeat.
Not to mention you’ll need to do this on at least 5 different websites or apps to keep operations going.
Imagine streamlining all or most of your workflow to grow your brand on a single app.
The Blogger Platform does just that. And you can see it for yourself here.
6 – No More “Pay to Play” with Facebook
There’s also a major cost difference between a social media app and a blog to app platform.
Want to promote your latest video?
Or maybe grab the attention of new fans with promotional images or blog content?
Word of mouth is one method, but it will only get you so far.

For websites like Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram, or search engines like Google or Bing, reaching a new audience means setting up costly ads that may be less effective than you think.
In fact, research and advisory firm Forrester found in 2017 that mobile apps convert visitors into buyers at about 6%.
That’s almost double the rate of tablets (3.3%) and nearly than triple the rate of mobile browsers (2.3%).
With your very own Blogger media app, you get your first month free followed by stable flat rate pricing for an ROI that’s higher than the methods you currently use to connect to your fan base.
Again, another total win.
7 – And Finally, No More Algorithms
Much to the frustration of many, social media platforms are constantly changing the way their programs work.
Like any other kind of business, these platforms need to continue to evolve their businesses. So while the process is inconvenient, it’s a necessary part of the deal you make with social media that’s not likely to stop any time soon.
Instagram’s last few changes are a prime example.
The sudden Instagram algorithm updates took their users by surprise which, unfortunately for Bloggers, caused quite the frenzy.
Similar updates often cause them to suffer sudden dips in income as they scramble to learn the new model and restructure their content distribution.
Since the Blog to App Platform is made to fit your brand’s personal needs, the customized mobile app runs based on your rules, not another ever-changing algorithm system.

It all boils down to this: it’s your app, so they’re your rules.
Final Thoughts
The Blogger Platform makes it so you can adapt on your own terms when you want, where you want.
This Platform is quickly growing to become the new version of the “mailing list” of 2020 and beyond.
Do you get ahead of the competition, or stay behind it?

Click the button below to schedule your free, no obligation demo today. It only takes a few minutes and shows you just how powerful your final app can be.